

Introduction to ZipCodeStack Public API

Are you tired of manually searching for the zip codes of locations you need to send or receive parcels from? Then ZipCodeStack is just the API service you need!

ZipCodeStack is a public API that provides developers and other interested users with accurate and up-to-date zip codes for locations all over the world. With ZipCodeStack, you can easily integrate zip code search and verification functionalities into your applications.

Getting Started with ZipCodeStack

To start using the ZipCodeStack public API, you’ll first need to sign up for a free API key on the ZipCodeStack website. Once you’ve signed up, you’ll get access to your API key, which you’ll need to use for all your API requests.

Here’s an example of how to use the ZipCodeStack API in JavaScript:

const apiKey = 'INSERT_YOUR_API_KEY_HERE';
const inputLocation = 'New York';

    .then((response) => response.json())
    .then((data) => {

In the example code above, we’re using the fetch API to make a GET request to the endpoint. We’re passing in our API key and the input location “New York” as query parameters.

The response from the API will be in JSON format, which we can log to the console for now. You can then parse the JSON response and extract the relevant data for your application.

API Endpoints

ZipCodeStack provides various API endpoints for accessing zip code data. Here are some examples:

Location Lookup

Use the location lookup endpoint to find the zip code and other details for a given address or location.



const apiKey = 'INSERT_YOUR_API_KEY_HERE';
const inputLocation = 'San Francisco';

    .then((response) => response.json())
    .then((data) => {

Zip Code Lookup

Use the zip code lookup endpoint to get details about a particular zip code.



const apiKey = 'INSERT_YOUR_API_KEY_HERE';
const zipCode = '10001';

    .then((response) => response.json())
    .then((data) => {


ZipCodeStack is a powerful yet easy-to-use public API that can help you streamline your workflow and improve the overall user experience of your applications. With its global coverage and accurate data, ZipCodeStack is the perfect solution for developers and businesses that need to work with zip codes regularly. Sign up for your free API key today!