

Introducing the Songkick API

The Songkick API is a public API that allows developers to access information about concerts and events happening all over the world. It provides a rich database of information about concerts, artists, and venues that can be used to build applications and services for music lovers.

Getting started with the Songkick API

To get started with the Songkick API, first, you need to sign up for an API key. You can do this by visiting the Songkick Developer website and creating a new account.

Once you have an API key, you can start using the API by making requests to the endpoints provided by the API. The primary endpoint of the Songkick API is the events endpoint, which provides information about upcoming events and concerts.

Example API calls in JavaScript

Following is an example code in JavaScript for making API calls to the Songkick API:

// Import the request module
const request = require('request');

// Set the API endpoint and the API key
const baseUrl = '';
const apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';

// Set the parameters for the API call
const location = 'geo:33.749,-84.388'; // Atlanta
const minDate = new Date().toISOString().split('T')[0]; // Today's date

// Set up the API endpoint URL
const url = `${baseUrl}/events.json?apikey=${apiKey}&location=${location}&min_date=${minDate}`;

// Make the API request
request(url, function (error, response, body) {
    if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
        const data = JSON.parse(body);

In this example code, we first import the request module that allows us to make HTTP requests. We then set the API endpoint base URL and the API key. We also set the parameters for the API call, including the location and the minimum date.

Next, we create the API endpoint URL by combining the base URL, the endpoint, and the API key. We then make a request to the API by passing the endpoint URL to the request function. Finally, we parse the response body and log the results.


In conclusion, the Songkick API is a public API that provides developers access to a wealth of information about concerts and events around the world. It can be used to build applications and services that cater to music lovers. The example code in JavaScript provided above can serve as a starting point for making your own API calls to the Songkick API.