


Lelylan API Documentation

The Lelylan API is a RESTful API that allows developers to programmatically interact with Lelylan’s Internet of Things (IoT) cloud platform. This documentation provides a comprehensive list of endpoints, parameters, and responses available through the API.

Base URL

All API endpoints described here have the following base URL: https://api.lelylan.com


All requests to the Lelylan API must be authenticated. To authenticate your requests, you’ll need an access token. You can create an access token by visiting the Lelylan Developer Portal and creating an application.

Once you have an access token, include it as an Authorization header in all of your API requests. For example:

const axios = require('axios');

const accessToken = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

const headers = {
    Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`,

axios.get('https://api.lelylan.com/things', {



List all Things

Returns a list of all connected things.

axios.get('https://api.lelylan.com/things', { headers });

View a Thing

Returns a specific thing.

const thingId = 'THING_ID';

axios.get(`https://api.lelylan.com/things/${thingId}`, { headers });

Create a Thing

Creates a new thing.

const data = {
    name: 'NAME',
    description: 'DESCRIPTION',
    type: {
        id: 'TYPE_ID',
    owner: {
        id: 'OWNER_ID',

axios.post('https://api.lelylan.com/things', data, { headers });

Update a Thing

Updates an existing thing.

const thingId = 'THING_ID';

const data = {
    name: 'NEW_NAME',
    description: 'NEW_DESCRIPTION',

axios.put(`https://api.lelylan.com/things/${thingId}`, data, { headers });

Delete a Thing

Deletes an existing thing.

const thingId = 'THING_ID';

axios.delete(`https://api.lelylan.com/things/${thingId}`, { headers });


List all Devices

Returns a list of all connected devices.

axios.get('https://api.lelylan.com/devices', { headers });

View a Device

Returns a specific device.

const deviceId = 'DEVICE_ID';

axios.get(`https://api.lelylan.com/devices/${deviceId}`, { headers });

Create a Device

Creates a new device.

const data = {
    name: 'NAME',
    description: 'DESCRIPTION',
    type: {
        id: 'TYPE_ID',
    owner: {
        id: 'OWNER_ID',

axios.post('https://api.lelylan.com/devices', data, { headers });

Update a Device

Updates an existing device.

const deviceId = 'DEVICE_ID';

const data = {
    name: 'NEW_NAME',
    description: 'NEW_DESCRIPTION',

axios.put(`https://api.lelylan.com/devices/${deviceId}`, data, { headers });

Delete a Device

Deletes an existing device.

const deviceId = 'DEVICE_ID';

axios.delete(`https://api.lelylan.com/devices/${deviceId}`, { headers });


The Lelylan API is a powerful tool for building IoT applications, and this documentation provides a comprehensive and easy-to-use guide to getting started. If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at support@lelylan.com. Happy coding!