

Using API in JavaScript provides a public API that allows developers to access information about music, artists, tags, and more. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the basic API requests using JavaScript.

Getting Started

Before we can make API requests, we need to obtain an API key from We can do this by creating an account on the website and then applying for an API key. Once we have the API key, we can start making requests.

Making API Requests API requests can be made using any programming language that can communicate with web APIs. In this example, we’ll use JavaScript to make API requests using the fetch method.

Search for Songs

To search for songs, we can use the method. Here’s an example code snippet:

const apiKey = '<your-API-key>';
const searchText = 'love';

    .then((response) => response.json())
    .then((data) => console.log(data));

In this code, we construct the API URL by building a query string with the API method (, the search text (love), our API key, and the response format (json). We then use fetch to make a GET request to the API with this URL.

Get Song Info

To get information about a specific song, we can use the track.getInfo method. Here’s an example code snippet:

const apiKey = '<your-API-key>';
const trackArtist = 'The Beatles';
const trackName = 'Let It Be';

    .then((response) => response.json())
    .then((data) => console.log(data));

In this code, we construct the API URL by building a query string with the API method (track.getInfo), our API key, the song artist (The Beatles), the song name (Let It Be), and the response format (json). We then use fetch to make a GET request to the API with this URL.

Get Artist Info

To get information about a specific artist, we can use the artist.getInfo method. Here’s an example code snippet:

const apiKey = '<your-API-key>';
const artistName = 'The Beatles';

    .then((response) => response.json())
    .then((data) => console.log(data));

In this code, we construct the API URL by building a query string with the API method (artist.getInfo), our API key, the artist name (The Beatles), and the response format (json). We then use fetch to make a GET request to the API with this URL.


Using the API in JavaScript is a great way to access information about music and artists. By constructing API URLs and making requests using fetch, we can easily retrieve data and integrate it into our own applications. This was just a brief introduction to some of the basic API requests, but the API offers many more methods and parameters to explore.